
Episode 16: Resisting the Control Trap: A Better Way to Boundaries with Teens

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Our third podcast season launches today! We’re talking about raising tweens and teens, discussing parents’ questions, and exploring how science and faith come together to point our families to security and connection.

Earlier this year, we received a question from a mom wondering how to direct her child’s moral choices. We’re using her question to kick off this series because we believe the issues she raises are important. In this episode, we talk about the difference between influence and control and discuss how relationship can guide our kids’ choices more powerfully than rules. We also share why the question’s wording prompted us to invite author Kelle Hampton to co-host this series and listen as she shares her wisdom and personal experience.


Read an excerpt:

“Here’s the thing. It turns out that having that secure, loving relationship makes it more likely that our children are going to make those choices that we want our children to make. It’s just not a guarantee. And we want that guarantee. But we know from the research that secure children are more likely to have healthy relationships, to make better choices around drug and alcohol use and dangerous behavior. They’re more likely to be leaders. All the things that we think of as, ‘oh, that’s what I want for my child,’ are more likely to happen out of that secure relationship, rather than a disconnected relationship where we’re trying to force those choices on our children.” – Dr. Jeffrey Olrick


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