
QUIZ #1:

Which Need Comes Most Naturally to You?

Take the below quiz to discover which of your child’s 6 needs you tend to respond to the most. Knowing which of the needs you are prone to overdo will allow you to be wiser when things aren’t going well, because the needs we are highly responsive to are also needs we tend to overemphasize. Understanding your tendencies will help you recognize your patterns and remind you that you have other options to turn to if what you’re doing with your child isn’t working and you feel stuck.

I don’t really notice my child unless they are doing something wrong or bothersome.
I enjoy finding out how my child sees and experiences the world, even when it’s different from my view or experience.
When I try to help my child with something, I end up feeling frustrated and walking away. 
I am quick to jump in and show my child how things are done or correct any mistakes. 
I have a hard time enforcing expectations and rules OR I don’t have many rules or expectations to begin with. 
I have strong expectations and rules for how my child should act, and I enforce them. 
If my child wants to do something with some risk involved, I have trouble saying no, even if the activity or situation makes me uncomfortable.
When my child seems to be suffering or in pain, I'm quick to assure them they're all right unless it is obvious they're really hurt. 
I feel very uncomfortable letting my child engage in physical activities or exploration if I think there is any chance they could be hurt, even if other kids their age are doing them.
When something has gone wrong for my child, I insist that we talk it out until I understand exactly what happened and I know my child has a clear plan about what to do next.
I have trouble letting my child move away from me if I am unsure whether the hurt they're carrying is truly gone.
I don’t have much to say about my child’s worries or the conflicts they get into, except maybe just tell them what I think they should do.
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